Dry Fruits Names in English with Pictures

Dry fruits are high in supplements and have different restorative properties. They are viewed as delights, yet because of their medical advantages, they have turned into a must-buy product. Indeed, even youngsters who will quite often stay away from new fruits are fascinated with them.

In the event that you appreciate yogurt, smoothies, cereal, or other solid breakfast choices, you can add dry fruits to any of these and give it a more delectable and better twist. Since dry fruits are more modest in size, you can take them with you anyplace and eat them anyplace to get an increase in energy and fulfill your longing for food. Additionally, they are liberated from added sugars, cholesterol, and sodium, which is an interesting advantage.

Dry fruits are tiny in size, yet they are high in minerals and proteins. Each medical service proficient suggests remembering a small bunch of dry fruits for our diet to keep us solid and fit. Dry fruits arrive in plenty of assortments, including raisins, cashew nuts, almonds, pistachios, Walnuts, dates, plums, etc. Dry fruits are said to have a huge number of medical advantages whenever consumed with some restraint. We’ve gathered a list of dry fruits that enhance your ordinary food and give you numerous medical advantages.

List Of Dry Fruits and the Benefits

Is it true that you are searching for a delectable, low-calorie option in contrast to a fatty snack? Or on the other hand, would you say you are searching for something that won’t just fulfill your appetite but will likewise keep your energy levels stable? If indeed, dry fruits can turn into your go-to nibble choice.

Dry Fruits Names

Dry fruits are high in protein, nutrients, minerals, and dietary fiber, making them a delicious and solid bite. To remain healthy, health and fitness specialists suggest eating dry fruits like apricots, Walnuts, and pistachios.

Due to the overflow of supplements in them, dry fruits have a large number of restorative properties. Albeit dry fruits are costly and considered luxuries, the medical advantages that they give make them advantageous. This article examines the medical advantages of a few dry foods grown from the ground and motivates us to remember them for our diet to remain sound and fit.

Almonds (Badam)

Almonds are a famous dry fruit because of their various medical advantages. Almonds are high in vitamin E, rejuvenating ointments, and antioxidants, making them ideal for grown-ups and youngsters. It very well may be consumed raw or cooked. For the best outcomes, eat a few absorbed almonds the morning day to day for a solid and fit body.

Medical advantages:

  • Keeps your heart solid
  • Helps in maintaining weight
  • Keeps skin and hair sound
  • Controls glucose levels

Pistachios (Pista)

Pistachios can be a decent choice for individuals who have a propensity for continually eating. Pistachio can assist you with feeling fuller for longer by stifling your craving. It contains oleic corrosive and antioxidants, as well as carotenes, vitamin E, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and polyphenolic antioxidants. This dry fruit looks like a heart and has mitigating properties.

Medical advantages:

  • Forestalls diabetes
  • Brings down terrible cholesterol levels
  • Supports invulnerability
  • Assists with diminishing weight

Cashews (Kaju)

Cashews are notable in India for their scrumptious flavor and rich surface. It contains a great deal of vitamin E, vitamin B6, protein, and magnesium for your body. This kidney-shaped seed can assist you with getting more fit, further developing your heart health, and controlling your glucose levels.

Medical advantages:

  • Helps in weight reduction
  • Diminishes bad cholesterol
  • Diminishes the gamble of heart infections

Apricots (Khumani)

Apricots can assist you with feeling full by giving fundamental supplements like vitamin A, vitamin E, magnesium, and copper. It is likewise high in antioxidants, which help in the battle against inner contaminations. Apricots are little, orange-hued, tart-tasting fruits high in nutrients and minerals. This supplement-rich fruit monitors your heart and eyes.

Medical advantages:

  • Really great for the eyes
  • Keeps your bone and skin solid
  • Helps in weight reduction

Dates (Khajoor)

Dates are tropical fruits that come in both dry and wet assortments. Dry dates are high in digestive filaments and can assist you with remaining full for quite a while by stifling your desires. This iron-rich fruit helps our bodies in different ways. This iron-rich and tasty dry fruit stay ideal for the colder time of the year season. You can blend it into a sweet or eat it all alone. Dates can be cultivated or deseeded.

Medical advantages:

  • Assists with diminishing weight
  • Increments hemoglobin levels
  • Supports energy
  • Upgrades gut health


How is it that we could leave out Hazelnut from our rundown of dry fruits? The Corylus tree produces hazelnuts, which are high in protein, fats, minerals, and nutrients. This nutty with a sweet flavor is commonly eaten raw, cooked, or ground into a paste. It additionally gets utilized in chocolate items like Nutella or even Granola.

Medical advantages:

  • Helps in weight decrease
  • Safeguards against cell harm
  • Brings down cholesterol
  • Further develops insulin awareness
  • Upholds heart wellbeing

Walnuts (Akhrot)

Walnuts are a solitary cultivated, hard stone-like fruit high in omega-3 unsaturated fats, nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and proteins. Due to their various advantages, you can integrate them into your everyday eating routine. Walnuts’ unsaturated fats might assist you with getting thinner and keep your heart sound.

Medical advantages:

  • Lessens tension
  • Forestalls cancer
  • Really great for the skin and hair

Raisins (Kishmish)

Raisins are dried grapes with a prepared flavor. It is a decent source of iron and can assist with treating sickliness. A day-to-day modest bunch of raisins can be useful to your digestive framework and help in causticity and clogging treatment.

Medical advantages:

  • Advances weight reduction
  • Treats obstruction and causticity
  • Treats frailty


Prune is a dried plum, which is very nutritious and has various medical advantages. In spite of their high sugar content, prunes contain numerous valuable mixtures that you can’t keep away from. It will fulfill your sweet tooth while additionally offering healthful benefits.

Medical advantages:

  • Gives a decent wellspring of iron
  • Assembles bones and muscles
  • Lessens cholesterol levels
  • Brings down circulatory strain

Dry Figs

This stand-out fruit takes care of a consumable green or purple skin in many little seeds. Fig tissue has a gentle, sweet flavor and is high in supplements. Many individuals use figs to treat issues with the conceptive and respiratory frameworks.

Medical advantages:

  • Works on bone wellbeing
  • Avoid the development of malignant growth cells
  • Assists control with blooding pressure
  • Helps in weight reduction

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