List of All Fruits Name In Marathi With Pictures (फळांचे मराठीत नाव)

List of All Fruits Name In Marathi and English (फळांचे मराठीत नाव). If you are searching for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 50 Marathi fruit names list then, Here is the list of fruits names in Marathi language with picture and PDF. You can find YouTube video for the fruit names in Marathi.

All Fruits Name in Marathi and English – फळांचे नाव (List of Fruits)

Fruits Name in Marathi

No.Fruits ImageFruits Name EnglishFruits Name Marathi
1.Apple Fruit PhotoAppleसफरचंद
2.The Banana FruitBananaकेळी
3.Orange ImageOrangeकेशरी
4.Mango Fruit PictureMangoआंबा
5.Grapes Fruit PhotoGrapesद्राक्षे
6.Pineapple FruitPineappleअननस
7.Pomegranate Fruit PhotoPomegranateडाळिंब
8.Watermelon Fruit ImageWatermelonटरबूज
9.Kiwifruit PhotoKiwiकिवी
10.Dragon Fruit PhotoDragonड्रॅगन
11.Amla Fruit PhotoAmlaआवळा
12.Apricot Fruit ImageApricotजर्दाळू
13.Avocado Fruit PictureAvocadoएवोकॅडो
14.Blackberry Fruit PictureBlackberryब्लॅकबेरी
15.Blackcurrant FruitBlackcurrantकाळ्या मनुका
16.Blueberries PhotoBlueberryब्लूबेरी
17.Cherry Fruit ImageCherryचेरी
18.Coconut PhotoCoconutनारळ
19.Cranberry ImageCranberryक्रॅनबेरी
20.Banana passionfruit PhotoCurubaकुरुबा
21.Durian PhotoDurianड्युरियन
22.Fig Fruit PhotoFigअंजीर
23.Sweet Granadilla PhotoGranadillaउत्कटतेचे फळ
24.Grapefruit PhotoGrapefruitद्राक्ष
25.Guava Fruit ImageGuavaपेरू
26.Jackfruit ImageJackfruitफणस
27.Lemon PictureLemonलिंबू
28.Lime Fruit PictureLimeचुना
29.Longan Fruit PhotoLonganलांब
30.Lychee ImageLycheeलीची
31.Mandarin Orange PhotoMandarinमंदारिन
32.Mangosteen PictureMangosteenमँगोस्टीन
33.Melon Fruit PhotoMelonखरबूज
34.Cantaloupe Melon ImageCantaloupe Melonखरबूजा
35.Mulberry PictureMulberryतुती
36.Nectarine Fruit PhotoNectarineअमृतमय
37.Passionfruit ImagePassionfruitपॅशनफ्रूट
38.Papaya Fruit PhotoPapayaपपई
39.Peach Fruit PhotoPeachपीच
40.Pear Fruit ImagePearनाशपाती
41.Persimmon Fruit PicturePersimmonपर्सिमॉन
42.Plum Fruit ImagePlumमनुका
43.Pomelo Fruit PicturePomeloपोमेलो
44.Quince Fruit PhotoQuinceत्या फळाचे झाड
45.Rambutan Fruit PicRambutanरामबुटान
46.Raspberry Fruit PhotoRaspberryरास्पबेरी
47.Rose Apple Fruit PhotoRose Appleगुलाब सफरचंद
48.Soursop Fruit ImageSoursopहनुमान फल
49.Star Apple Fruit PicStar Appleस्टार ऍपल
50.Starfruit PhotoStarfruitस्टारफ्रूट
51.Strawberry PicturesStrawberryस्ट्रॉबेरी
52.Tamarillo Fruit PhotoTamarilloतामारिल्लो
53.Tamarind PhotoTamarindचिंच
54.Tangerine Fruit PictureTangerineटेंजेरिन
55.Peruvian Groundcherry PhotoPeruvian groundcherryपेरुव्हियन ग्राउंडचेरी

YouTube Video for Fruits Name In Marathi

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