List of 30+ Citrus Fruits are rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C, otherwise called ascorbic corrosive, is a water-solvent nutrient that has been connected to great medical advantages. A strong cell reinforcement, Vitamin C assumes a significant part in the development, improvement, and fixing of all body tissues, and the soundness of your skin and bones. It helps complete numerous capabilities in the body like collagen arrangement, recuperating of wounds, assimilation of iron promoting better bone wellbeing, legitimate working of the resistant framework, and the support of your teeth. Peruse more to realize some medical advantages of Vitamin C Fruits.

Medical advantages of Vitamin C Fruits

List of Citrus Fruits

While many think that Vitamin C mostly assists with keeping the normal cold under control, it does much more than that. Here are only a portion of its many advantages:

  • Supports the healing of wounds as it helps produce collagen
  • Diminishes hypertension
  • Forestalls anemia as it helps with the ingestion of iron
  • Brings down the gamble of waterfalls and eases back age-related macular degeneration
  • With its cell reinforcement properties which decrease cell harm, it keeps up with cardiovascular well-being and may assist with forestalling disease

Most noteworthy Vitamin C Food sources

While oranges are popular sources of Vitamin C, there are different products of the soil that have higher fixations. A fascinating reality to remember is that when you strip an orange, Vitamin C gets obliterated quicker the more it is presented to air, which is the reason you should consume it rapidly when stripped or cut up.

Your body can’t deliver Vitamin C all alone, and it can’t store Vitamin C for longer than 24 hours, which is the reason remembering food varieties high for Vitamin C in your everyday diet is significant. Assuming you can remember fruits high for Vitamin C and different food sources that contain Vitamin C in your eating routine, you really want not at any point stress over a lack.

Peruse on to see a handy list of Vitamin C veggies and fruits that will assist you with remembering the right food sources for your eating regimen. This Vitamin C fruits outline will give you intriguing realities and data about these various food varieties as well.

Vitamin C Fruits

Vitamin C works like an antioxidant for your body. It has the capacity to keep the body dynamic and solid. The most awesome aspect of Vitamin C is you can undoubtedly expand your utilization with the assistance of Vitamin C fruits or vegetables. To find out about this, here is a rundown of top Vitamin C foods grown from the ground.


Guavas beat the rundown of Vitamin C foods grown from the ground as it is one of the most mind-blowing sources of the C nutrient. This is on the grounds that there is around 114mg of Vitamin C in a 50g of guava. This fruit can assist with supporting your resistance and holding your glucose levels under tight restraints.


Adored in their foods and juice forms, watermelons are reviving sources of Vitamin C drinks and fruits. You can consume this powerful Vitamin C fruit all over the year, and it is totally light on your digestive framework as well. Each 50g of watermelon contains roughly 4mg of Vitamin C, which makes it simple to eat consistently while guaranteeing a good measure of nourishment for the body.


Kiwi contains bountiful measures of Vitamin C. However a couple of individuals might have a kiwi sensitivity, but the majority of us aren’t, which creates kiwi one of the most trustworthy Vitamin C fruits that you can remember for your eating regimen. Additionally, Kiwi can be an incredible breakfast food as it comes loaded with proteins, folate, and vitamin K too. Each 50g of Kiwi contains very nearly 46 mg of Vitamin C.


Cantaloupe is plentiful in nutrients An and C, both of which assist us with keeping up areas of strength for, hair. This Vitamin C fruit has a place with the melon family, which further builds its medical advantages. This fruit is known particularly for its phenomenal calming properties and its capacity to battle free radicals. This likewise lessens the possibilities of diabetes and heart illnesses. In general, there is around 18mg of Vitamin C in each 50g of melon.

Berries like strawberries, raspberries, cranberries

Plentiful in Vitamin C, these scrumptious berries pack in very much a punch with regards to the C nutrient substance. Each 50g of berries contains nearly 4.85mg of Vitamin C. Among all the Vitamin C fruits, berries are considered the most flexible on the grounds that they can be utilized as a tastemaker in smoothies and shakes or can be consumed straightforwardly during the day. Berries are known to advance cell well-being, which renews the body and safeguards it against infections.


A solitary banana gives practically 33% of the suggested day-to-day consumption (RDI) of Vitamin C. Each 50g of banana contains 4.35mg of Vitamin C. The greatest aspect of a banana is that it is moderately falling short on the glycemic file, so except if prompted if not by the specialist, you can consume it to get your everyday portion of Vitamin C and nourishment.


A solitary serving of papaya gives over two times your RDI for Vitamin C. To be exact, each 50g of papaya contains around 30mg of Vitamin C. One of the papaya’s astonishing characteristics is that it is known to advance bone well-being and keep you durable from the inside. It is additionally one of those Vitamin C fruits that assist with diminishing the risk of heart infections, keeping you sound and dynamic.


The ruler of fruits contains up to 66% of the RDI of Vitamin C. Each 50g of mango contains around 18.2mg of Vitamin C. Plentiful in nutrients and minerals, mango works like a remedy that has magnificent mending properties. It assists with collagen building, which helps your skin and bones. Mangoes are additionally known to keep your pulse under check and this improves heart health. The high fiber content of mangoes helps ease stoppage as well.


These are strong wellsprings of Vitamin C and contain half of the day-to-day suggested incentive for grown-ups. Each 50g of pineapple contains around 23.9mg of Vitamin C. Pineapples likewise contain zinc, potassium, manganese, and other such supplements in high sums. With everything taken into account, pineapples are generally excellent for health as they advance the development and backing of a sound metabolism.

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